Ingqungquthela Yonyaka Yama-2024

Ritz-Carlton, Tysons Corner
1700 Tysons Blvd.
McLean, VA 22102

Izisekelo ZangoLwesine Zokufunda Kwamazinyo Ezinto Eziphilayo Septhemba 5th
NgoLwesine I-Biological Periodontal Hygienist Workshop: Septhemba 5th
NgoLwesihlanu / ngoMgqibelo Uchungechunge Lwezesayensi: Septhemba 6-7
Iseshini ye-Q & A yangeSonto: Septhemba 8th (akukho mali)

Izinto zenkomfa nolwazi

Chofoza isixhumanisi esingezansi ukuze ubuke/uphrinte amaslayidi esipikha, amafomu e-AGD, amashejuli, imidwebo yamahhotela, kanye nenkomfa
umbukiso, futhi ugcwalise izinhlolovo. Ukufinyelela kuzonikezwa lapho ukubhaliswa kuqedwa.

09-2024 Washington, DC-TBA

Izisekelo Zemali Yezifundo Zokudokotela Wamazinyo

Ababekhona Okokuqala: $350
Ohambele umcimbi owengeziwe: $300

Live Broadcast Fee/s

Doctor/Dentist (DDS, DMD, MD, PhD, DC, ND, etc):
Fundamentals of Biological Dentistry: $350
Friday/Saturday: Symposium$850
One Day Fee: $425

Associate (RDH, RDA, DA, RN, Office Staff, etc):
Fundamentals of Biological Dentistry: $350
Friday/Saturday: Symposium$450
One Day Fee: $225

1980’s Theme Costume Contest-
Whodunnit Dinner Party

Join us Friday night for our 1980s Costume Party. Radical! But get this. When the lead singer is introduced, she will wind up dead. Oh my! The dinner will suddenly be a crime scene, and you’ll be asked to search for clues, interrogate suspects, and solve whodunnit. Join us for “Gag Me With A Spoon. She’s Dead.” But watch out, this is so much fun, you might die laughing.
amathikithi: $100

Inkokhelo/s ye-Biological Periodontal Hygienist Workshop

Ngamunye Obekhona: $225
(Kukhawulelwe kwabahambele umcimbi abangu-30; ofike kuqala, akhonze kuqala)

Friday/Saturday Scientific Symposium Fee/s

Ilungu: $1200
Udokotela Wamazinyo Obhalisiwe: $650
Ongelona Ilungu: $1300
Additional Attendee/s Fee/s:
Izivakashi ezingu-1-3:
$ 650 ngayinye
Izivakashi ezingu-4-7: $ 600 ngayinye
Izivakashi ezingu-8-11: $ 550 ngayinye
12 or more guests: $ 500 ngayinye

Night Monuments Tour

Join us Saturday evening on a charter bus with your IAOMT friends and colleagues for a night tour of the Washington, DC monuments!
Drinks and snacks are provided. Only 45 seats are available.
Come enjoy a fun night and unwind after the long conference!

amathikithi: $45

Iyaqhubeka Credits Yezemfundo

Uhlelo lwe-PACE olugunyazwe kuzwelonke
Umhlinzeki wekhredithi ye-FAGD/MAGD.
Ukugunyazwa akusho ukwamukelwa ngo
noma yisiphi isiphathimandla esilawulayo noma ukugunyazwa kwe-AGD.
01/01/2024 kuya ku-12/31/2029. I-ID yomhlinzeki # 216660

Lo msebenzi we-CME uhlelwe futhi wasetshenziswa ngokuhambisana ne-Affiliate Institution of Westbrook University kanye ne-International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT). Odokotela kufanele bafune kuphela ikhredithi ehambisana nezinga lokubamba iqhaza kwabo emsebenzini.